You can be free.

You are a unique way the energy that we call God is expressing all of Itself. So in one sense you are of the utmost importance because without the physical you, God’s expression would be incomplete – and that is impossible, since energy is one and whole and cannot be divided into parts. You are the whole of God expressing.  And so is everyone else. 

On another level, the physical expression of you has no importance, since when the body is gone, the energy you are made of still remains.  But so long as you have breath left in your body, you have a mission and a purpose to fulfill and you are absolutely necessary, for Universal energy to fully express.

Why is it then, that so often we feel worthless, useless, unimportant, expendable, unhappy and unlovable – when all around us we see others who are loved, successful, brilliant, significant and esteemed – why do we seem to be an exception?  

That’s because we may not be expressing what those others are expressing – but we are made of the same stuff they are – and can express anything we want. We just have to believe it and know it.  That’s the big difference between them and us – they believe they can do whatever they are doing, and being whatever they are being, and you don’t. 

There are two levels of existence, the spiritual level and the material level, and usually we place them in the wrong order of importance.  Before there was anything material to see, before the world was, there was Love. That pure energy of Love had to express, so caused universes and galaxies to appear and keeps expressing in more and more complex forms.  

Finally the form of human beings appeared, with the capacity to reach, with their minds, into the spiritual dimension of One-ness which is the energy of Love, while they live in the material dimension of Two-ness; in the various aspects of Love.  

So Love is all, and those aspects of love only exist in the construct of the material world of duality so become two polarities and we call them negative and positive polarities. Like – joy/sadness, peace/anxiety and worry, beauty/ugliness.   We perceive them as good or bad, but at their core they are Love that has been misperceived by the human mind, causing us to think all those negative thoughts about ourselves. .  

Our feelings of unloved, incapable, unworthy, are lies with regard to our true nature, which is Love.  Deep down, we know our true nature, that’s why we don’t like those feelings, we know they are lies, that’s not who we really are.  Recognizing that it was only some painful life experience in the past that made us believe that lie, and deciding we will no longer believe that lie, will lift us out of those feelings. 

As we do that with every negative feeling that arises, gradually our life experiences will start changing for ones where we feel loved, empowered and capable; and our whole life becomes one we truly desire.  “Know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free”. Knowing it must come before the freedom.