It is time to really look at what we are being shown in the news, social media, and other avenues of information, and to become clear on what we personally can do about it, or how to neutralize it, so it cannot affect our energy field and consequently, our life. 

What’s in the news are the worst possible examples of human behavior, and this is not what all humanity is like, far from it! But we only get to see what the powers-that-be want us to see and when there is no good news given as a counterbalance, we get manipulated into seeing just the small percentage of what’s “bad” expanded into seemingly something big. It’s okay to be informed of what’s going on, but let’s be informed from both sides of the street! From all perspectives. 

All we’re being shown is people fighting each other, people hurting each other, to the extent even of people wishing each other dead, when they have a different opinion on a burning subject. Taking the example of the polarization around the vaccination, I hear that there have been people openly speaking on TV they wished everyone not being vaccinated to die. Or to be taken care of in hospitals only after all those who are vaccinated have been helped. Or to not be admitted at all! 

That is segregation! Apartheid in another form. I have not seen this myself, since I don’t watch the news.  Those that do, have told me of this and I do believe there can be such people, but they are certainly not the majority of the population and not the people I would wish to keep in my circle of friends.

At the same time, we are not being shown all those who are starting to stand up against coercion, protecting their families and communities, and saying NO to the attempts to force them to do things not in alignment with their deepest truth. The difference between informing people, and inciting fear and separation, lies in the quality of the energy with which the knowledge, or awareness, is delivered. 

Even those who hold out for their God-given freedom to choose what they want to put into their bodies are falling into the trap of divisiveness, calling the other side sheeple, and hoping they die so that the pressure they exert is lessened, and more conscious, rather than unconscious people are left on the planet! Those are not the people I would wish to keep in my circle of friends, either!

What I want you to notice here, is that both sides are coming from the same negative energy, the energy of separation, of us against them, of wishing harm on another, and it’s that mindset which is being forced on us.  Being conscious means seeing with the eyes of God.  It means we step back and observe the manipulation and choose not to go along with it, not to perpetuate it. The mindset of wishing anyone harm, let alone death, is not one held by an evolved humanity, and we can choose to be a part of the more conscious people, rather than side with the relatively few manipulative, fear-mongering and unconscious individuals that take up all the space in the media. 

Because, when we have an emotional reaction to anything, the Universe sees that and goes: “Here’s a reaction, they must like it! Let’s give them more of that!”  Your reaction, whether it’s one of like or dislike, whether it’s joy or upset, informs the Universe that this is what you are paying attention to, this is what you want more of, and you get more of that.  And that wasn’t your intention, right?  when you got all upset about this is unfair, and I have a right to -… whatever!  

So keep in mind that the great majority of us do want peace, joy, harmony, and abundance for all. So that must and will happen, even if the minority shouts louder right now. The people around me want wellness and happiness for everyone, even though we all have moments of being frustrated – and that’s okay, if we then step back, reconnecting to what’s really true.  Because our personal perspective changes how our personal reality manifests, and we don’t want to draw conflict, sadness and frustration to ourselves. 

It’s entirely possible for two people to look at the same exact thing at the same moment, and one will scream “Ugh! take it away, don’t let it come near me!”  And the other, with a huge smile, will look at the caterpillar even more closely, and think “What beautiful colors! What amazing synchronization of those little legs! The two black dots and the curved line below even make a smiley face!” The same exact situation can cause fear and upset, or joy and appreciation.  Which would you rather have?

Your reaction to what’s in front of you will make all the difference to your experience, and if you’re a person afraid of bugs, it will take some practice to change your perception.  But it’s well worth the effort, starting in small ways, to begin seeing the beauty, the symmetry, the amazingness in all nature, and then extend that attitude to all creatures, beings and situations.  When we really look with understanding and compassion, every cloud has a silver lining; and with your benevolence for everything and all, your whole environment will change – even if it doesn’t for the person standing next to you.