Every thought you have is your intuition speaking, but you have to be aware, and discriminate between whether a thought is a pure expression of Source energy, or whether it has been colored by your ego’s material desires. You don’t have to follow every thought you have, but if you recognize every thought as intuition, you are on your way to recognizing everything as an expression of the divine.

One way of differentiating “colored” thoughts from “pure” thoughts is that true intuitions are always supportive, kind and allowing. They are that still soft voice that tells you “Yes you can do it! You are loved and guided and supported!” while the loud voice of your ego says: “Are you sure? It’s too hard, it’s too much, you might fail!”

Your intuition is an inspired message from Source telling you to do something, and it will always align with your highest values. Those are treating yourself and others as an expression of Source, and respecting yourself and others as Source in form; so love, understanding, consideration, compassion.

If your thought is to do something self-destructive or unhealthy, that is not honoring your body as the vessel housing your divinity. If it causes harm to others, that is not honoring their divinity. When you start blaming, deep inside you know that is not the best you can do, because it doesn’t call forth your highest values, which are honoring yourself and others as Source energy.

Usually, we know what we should say, how we should act, but are afraid to follow through with it, because of fear. It might shake up our life, family or friends would be upset. When fear is present, we are out of integrity with ourselves.

Our ego knows how to make us doubt our intuition, and make us conform with lesser values. We find excuses: would Source want to make anyone unhappy? That’s ego interfering with guidance, because if we said what we know we should, it would be inconvenient or painful on some level –and the ego really knows how to make us doubt and be righteous about it: “I don’t want to make them unhappy, so I won’t say anything!”

But Source speaks to you about you, not anyone else; what is for your highest good, and how to be in integrity with Spirit. What other people think is their problem. Only you know your highest values, and when you’re rooted in Source, you allow others to act however they want. That applies to everyone; when they are rooted in Source, they allow you to follow your guidance.

Your guidance helps you discern that some of your thoughts could be colored by the life you’ve had, your difficult experiences, your feelings of being betrayed abandoned or rejected. It could be showing you the decisions you need to take so as to honor your highest values of respecting everything as an expression of the divine.

As you keep noticing the difference between the personal thoughts and intuition, the impulses from the ego get weaker, while the intuitive thoughts get stronger. Intuition can be very direct and insistent; while the ego’s urges have a sense of desperation behind them, a sense of manipulation. Very often, intuition seems to go against your logic.