Thankfulness is something that we have all been taught since childhood; when a gift has been given, we say “Thank you”.  Sometimes, especially when the gift is not exactly what we wanted, the words said did not come from the feeling in the heart; our feeling was disappointment. 

Had we shifted our perception from the material object we are given, to the intent of person who is offering the gift, it would be much easier to feel grateful for the expression of love and appreciation the person is really offering us, regardless of what the material object is. A heart-felt gratitude has a very high vibration, and so, by being sincerely grateful, you attract to yourself more things to be grateful for, things that you would like to have!

There is also a novel way you may not have thought of, to attract exactly the things that you wish to have; and that is, to express gratitude, in your private prayers and contemplations, for the things that you don’t yet have, and for the things that you would like to happen. 

The energy of gratitude, especially when we are consciously being in the Quantum Field, or Zero Point Field as it is also called, assists in the creation of the thing that  you are expressing gratitude for. 

The Quantum Field is the infinite Universal Consciousness that contains the potentials of every good and perfect occurrence of everything that is, was, and is yet to be; and they can be drawn forth from that field through our conscious intention and desire, while our gratitude enhances the rapidity of its physical manifestation – while always remembering that there is a divine timing for its material expression into the world. 

The material world is linear, is within time and space, so there may be some things that need to be adjusted before the appearance of your desire; also, there may be some changes that need to take place in your life and consciousness – or your desire may backfire and not be for your highest good at this point in time.  You need to trust Spirit with the when and the how it will look; all that Spirit needs from you is the “what”. 

 And when the “what” is accompanied with deep gratitude, it actually assists in the creation of the things you are being thankful for, even if they are not yet manifested. But they are a potential in the Quantum Field, which reflects back to you what you hold in your consciousness and emotions.