Your dreams and desires are yours, uniquely yours, and no one but you know exactly what they are and how they make you feel.  Your soul wants them for you also, and so you have the power to manifest them.  But when they are not supported by others, we often tend to abandon them, influenced by the opinions of others, thinking they are impossible, or wrong.

Your dreams and desires come from your soul and are never wrong, even if they seem to go counter to the views of others.  If you pursue your dream with consistency, integrity understanding, and a good dose of common sense, they will always turn out to be the very best thing for you.

Because what your soul wants for you cannot be anything less than perfect for you, but what your personality wants may not be the same thing; we need discernment to distinguish between the two. Your soul is only concerned with you and your dream; the personality often drags others into its dream and that’s perfectly OK, if another wants to join you in it.  Wisdom requires that we understand when someone else has a different dream and wants to take a different path; so we give them the freedom to pursue it.  Because what another person’s soul wants for them is also for their highest good.

How the personality interprets what’s happening is different from the soul’s perspective, because the personality looks through the lens of comfort and convenience of the physical body and material life, not through the lens of seeing what is for the highest good of the spiritual being. 

Let’s take the example of a relationship, where you feel it’s no longer what you deeply desire and wish to end it, while your partner or spouse is clinging to you, for whatever good reasons they may have – called rationalizations, which are just “rational lies” – and have to do with material comfort, maintaining the status quo, preserving religious or false beliefs, keeping up appearances, control issues, or finances –  but have nothing to do with their identity as a spiritual being.  True love has nothing to do with sharing the same space.

Your life is yours, to live exactly as you want it to be, and you must honor your deepest desires, being in integrity with your soul, however inconvenient and painful it may be materially, or painful for your partner.  Knowing that if it takes two to build a relationship, it only takes one to end it, of course with kindness and understanding and wanting the break to be a win-win for both of you.  Knowing that what is for your highest spiritual good must necessarily be for theirs also, when they connect to their soul that would never keep another person in bondage when they desire to be free. 

How their personality reacts to you moving away is not their soul’s reaction, which only wants the very best for everyone.  And when you sincerely wish them the very best, and every happiness in the world, while standing firm on your decision, you can be sure they will find fulfillment with someone other than you, when they take the time to re-connect to their soul and review their true life-purpose from that perspective. 

You owe it to yourself to live your life, not someone else’s idea of it.