Finding our soul’s purpose.

For the most part, we start by thinking of our purpose in life as something we do: we are a business person, a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, electrician or plumber, but that is a job, a function we perform in order to have a comfortable life. We may even like what we’re doing, are interested in it, and that’s why we chose to do what we are doing. 

Sometimes we don’t enjoy our job, but do it anyway because it brings in the finances that we need, but regardless of whether you enjoy it or not, when the time for retirement comes, mostly we are happy to retire and have time for our family, hobbies that have been neglected, travel, or whatever else is our aspiration in life. 

Very few of us like our job so much that we want to keep doing it even after retirement, unless we wanted the extra money to keep the lifestyle we had. So the job never gave us the deep contentment that can only come from knowing you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. 

And the beauty of a soul purpose is that it can be expressed in any way that you want, through any job that you do, at any time in your life. Our deepest purpose, for which the soul incarnated, is to express all of what Divinity is through our material life.  So we can express the love, the joy, the beauty, health, wealth and harmony that Source Energy is into the world around us. 

 And we get to choose how to express that.  When we start our adult life, our main focus is often on what will get me more money, and not what will make me happier. If we can bring those two together, that’s ideal, and that’s why we don’t want to retire when we have to.  But for others, retirement is the time they were looking forward to, so they could do what has always been their dream, to bring harmony and beauty and happiness and joy to themselves, and by extension, to all around them. 

Spirit has given us every potential quality it has to choose from, as to what we want to express in this life; because as a physical being, limited in time and space, there are only a limited number of things we can do.  But whatever it is we have chosen, if our first consideration is to be the conduit through which the love, joy, harmony, intelligence, generosity or beauty can flow into the world, we are fulfilling our soul’s purpose, regardless of whether it done by becoming an actor, or a janitor, a politician or an employee.  But it must be done through taking physical action; the “how” of bringing those qualities into manifestation. That is why we have a physical body. 

Within your job, we can always bring with us the qualities of our soul, or those same qualities expressed negatively, as conceited, lazy, greedy, uncaring, frustrated. It’s always a question of the consciousness we have in whatever we are doing. It’s us, our consciousness that determines how happy or unhappy our life will be.