
So often, we resist surrendering, thinking that it somehow takes away our free will, is giving away our power and control, curtails our sovereignty and means just giving up and being a doormat.  That it means acquiescing to whatever happens. That is just not true. We think we are managing our lives, that we have control and giving up control makes us feel powerless. That the choice is between having control, and surrendering. 

That’s not a true positioning of the facts. Let’s just think about how much control we actually have over circumstances.  Did we ever have absolute, “free” choice? Among all the options that are available to us in any given moment, how many can we actually “freely” choose?  When we really look at them, they are all dictated by our upbringing, societal, cultural, religious influences, by geographical location, by our beliefs, by previous life experiences, and most of all, by our identification.  We are actually already surrendering to something all the time, and a better question than “why should I surrender?” would be “who or what should I surrender to?”

Are we going to surrender to what we were told as children by authority figures, whether parents, teachers, family, politics, religion, without ever researching whether what was said was really true for us? Just accepted it at face value, even when we saw that they were not infallible, that sometimes things didn’t work out as expected? We have been surrendering to the human identification that works up to a point, until the time comes when we are called to remember we are not only human, but that there is a spiritual part of us which also needs recognition. 

Maybe now is the time to change who we are surrendering to, and that requires faith that Spirit is all goodness, joy, harmony and abundance. Most, if not all of us have that understanding, so when we surrender to the Spirit that is always walking with us – because without Its energy, we would be unable to take even a single step – and trust in its guidance as to where to go and what to do, the choices that become available to us are of a much higher order than before.

Remember we are then surrendering not to some outside person or power, but to our own Higher Self, that is in us and has only our best interests at heart, while others serve their best interests first.  When we identify with the God of our understanding, knowing each one of us is how It expresses into the world, that in itself will already make our life more harmonious. But when we add always making the highest choice from among the options available, then our experiences can become truly miraculous. Surrender then becomes how we aspire to live our life, because of the results we get.