When we have a desire, and set our intention on having something, the next logical step is of course doing something to achieve it. But most times, since we don’t already have it, it’s because we are waiting for something else to happen before we can actually go for it, and that looks like I don’t have the time, the money, the capability, the support or whatever your current excuse is.

This simply means that what you want is less important to you than what you are currently spending time on; less important than what you are currently spending money on; that you don’t believe in your capacity to learn what you need to learn; that you don’t believe the Universe is fully supporting you in your desire, regardless of whether other people are supporting it.

If someone you loved suddenly had to have an operation, would that not become your priority, and would you not find the time to sit with them in hospital, or find the money to pay for the operation, or learn what you needed to care for them, and support them mentally, emotionally and physically?

It’s only when we are thrust into a severe and distressing situation that we find within ourselves all the resources needed to deal with it. Everything else that seemed so important, all of a sudden doesn’t even exist any more. You find a way for things to work.

When I was faced with my son in a coma in a foreign country, I signed without hesitation for helicopter transport for tens of thousands when I didn’t have the money; I was by his bedside the next day when all the flights were fully booked for two weeks; I dealt with everything that came up – even not finding him at all in the hospital room and no one knowing where he was.

We don’t have to wait for harrowing conditions to appear in order to know that we have everything we need within us to overcome any seeming obstacle, when we turn to the divine first and make our desire a priority. And even if ultimately, the desire we have does not manifest in the form we envisaged, we know that the form it takes will be for our highest good.

That is the meaning of surrender – surrendering the outcomes of our desires, while doing everything possible for their implementation. My desire for my son’s recovery did not manifest; but the spiritual gifts I received because of his passing I would never had received otherwise.

Whatever is your desire, make it a priority and do everything in your power to achieve it; but rather than looking at outcomes, the outer results you want, look at how you are growing in the process. The kind of thoughts you have; the habits and character you build, like determination and consistency; the actions you take, the different person you are becoming through working for your goal.

Because the character you develop determines your destiny, whether it looks like what you wanted, or is totally different. And it will always be great.