7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 6/7

The sixth awareness never to forget is: We don’t know what’s best.

We don’t know what’s best
Even when you know that all the power of Spirit is within you, and you know that all your problems are designed and working together for your good, are you still struggling and not succeeding? If you are, it’s most probably because you’re holding on to some idea of who you are, or what your life should or shouldn’t be, and that is blocking what’s trying to unfold.

Life is infinite so our growth is never done; there is always a next level, a next step, and when you truly know you are your Spirit, when you have a vision, you know you can manifest that reality through taking responsibility and taking appropriate action. Having done that, the next step is letting go of what you think the outcome should be and surrendering it to the Source within you.

Because really, you don’t know what’s best! And without criticism or judgment of that outcome, you again take what appears to be the best action under the circumstances.

That does not mean giving in to circumstances or situations manifesting around you. It means opening up to divine guidance, yielding to a greater potential, a larger life than up to now, allowing a more powerful, divine energy to express through you.

And that is hard, because you are stepping beyond the known, the familiar, the experienced into the unknown, to the divine ideas that reveal themselves only one step at a time. You will not necessarily see the ultimate destination, which may be very different from what you first thought, and possibly even grander than your best idea.

When we think of surrendering, we usually start by letting go of the how, the when, the where, but still hold on to the “what”. We have surrendered the idea that the house we want must be in a certain location or a certain size; but we hold on to the idea of having a house. That is only partial surrender, and will only get us partial results.

Total surrender doesn’t mean that we let go of all desires, or intentions. It doesn’t mean we stop doing things. We still have intentions, we still take action because we are living in a material world; but a surrendered intention and action means letting go of any attachment to the outcome of our endeavors.

We are OK with any outcome that results from our wanting, desiring, making vision boards, taking action steps towards our goal. If we’re really courageous, we are grateful for whatever outcome manifests. When we truly get that, the outcome is more than we could have imagined.

In my own experience, I have had proof of that. I had an overwhelming desire for something for more than 15 years. Created affirmations about it, prayed, put it on a vision board, taken action whenever I could. Nothing worked. The ball was not in my court. I had no control over what other people did.

So I did some deeper than ever before forgiveness work and totally surrendered the outcome. TOTALLY. Not the slightest vestige of wanting what I wanted remained. I kind of forgot about it, and if I never got it, that was fine too. The next thing I knew, I was informed I was being given it, and way beyond what I wanted.

And the proof to me that I had truly surrendered the outcome was that my only internal reaction was, “OK! That’s nice.” No ecstatic joy, jumping up and down, no phoning family and friends with the good news.

When I had worked through my attachment, whatever was the divine plan for my life manifested. Ultimately, it’s never about the outcome you achieve; it’s about who you become during the journey of surrender.

“See” you in a couple of weeks for your last and most important awareness, on how to live a fulfilled life!



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The new book from author Jania Aebi.

Universe always works for us, not against us. “Divine qualities become material things when brought into the physical world through action,” writes Jania Aebi. Our focus, perceptions, and beliefs, which are the only things we can change, determine our experience. When we are at one with Spirit consciousness, we can change our life.

Jania keeps readers rooted in spirit and teaches how to manifest thoughts through actions to be conscious creators. She suggests how to access the power of spirit in every life situation. 

Your Infinite Power.
Your Infinite Power.


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