Maybe it’s time now to re-visit the New Year’s resolution that you have set for yourself this year. Have you written it down?  And have you been keeping your attention on it so far? And kept doing what you need to be doing, for it to become reality?

And if your resolutions have kind of fallen by the wayside, reflect on why that is.  You made them for a reason – it’s doubtful you have achieved the result you wanted already. Carefully examine your statement: was it a goal you wanted to achieve, a resolution, or was it a true intention, an intention to feel some particular way in some area of your life?

Resolutions and goals usually refer to some material desire you have, or material outcome you want to achieve. The problem with that is, it’s never 100% within your ability to control it.  Other people, other forces are usually involved, over which you have no influence or control.  And very often, that’s why our resolutions become too difficult to keep up, or end up abandoned. 

While a true intention is internally referenced; it has everything to do with how we feel, leaving a space open as to what material thing or circumstance is going to be the instrument for us feeling happy, fulfilled, confident, joyful, expansive, and harmonious. It could even be something we have never even thought about, but when it manifests out of the blue, it makes us even happier than we would be if our own goal had manifested. 

We are conditioned to believe that certain material things will make us feel a certain way, but that is simply not true. The feelings of joy, happiness, fulfillment always come from within, they are soul-qualities we have been given at birth that we must nurture and expand, and it’s from those qualities that come the material objects we love and appreciate. The more we feel those qualities, the more things that give us pleasure can appear in our world. 

When we let go of the picture in our minds of what our happiness must look like, that is when our desires can manifest.  When we are okay, and happy either way, having that new car or not having it; having a relationship or not having it; our book becoming a best-seller or not; that’s the time when what we most want can come to us.  And that is what leaves the door open for miracles to happen. 

If necessary, re-think the wording of your Intention statement.  Instead of I want to lose 10 lbs! you could say I am becoming joyful, vital, and energetic!  That’s totally within your control.   Instead of saying My goal is for my business to achieve 7 figures this year!  and be disappointed when it only achieves 6.5, you could intend: My business is successful and thriving, beyond my wildest expectations!  

And remember to repeat your intention to yourself every day, so that energy permeates everything you do, and accelerates the outcome!