Problems are negative perceptions of what is.

Say you have the problem: your boss is not validating your work, and that makes you afraid of losing your job, erodes your confidence, makes you feel unsafe and maybe confused or a failure.

And it’s really those feelings that make you feel tense and insecure; if you didn’t have them, you wouldn’t have the perception of your boss not appreciating the work you’re doing.  The reason for your boss being short-tempered may not be you, but the fight he had with his wife yesterday, or his investments not doing as well as he had hoped.

Trying to get rid of your feelings, or fighting against them will never work, or bring you more peace. They are a part of you, so let them be as they are, without pushing them away, without thinking “I don’t like those feelings, and I want them to go away”.

That’s like taking your right hand and start pushing against your left hand to make it go away.  The harder you push, the closer your left hand sticks to you. You will never make it go away by pushing against it, so eventually you have to stop and realize that they are both a necessary part of your life and so you accept them as equal partners.

If you ever managed to get rid of your left hand, you would only be operating at half of your potential.  And those parts of you that you don’t like having, that are being judged as incompetent, insecure, helpless, not good enough, a failure, they are just energy, like all the so-called “good” parts of you, which are the confident, peaceful, trusting, wise and secure parts of you.

Energy is one and absolute, it’s only in our 3D world where the one whole and perfect energy of “success” can become less than that, which we call “failure”.  And we can only experience the fullness of “success” when we embrace and integrate its opposite polarity of “failure”. Every negative emotion or polarity has its opposite positive polarity, and in order to have a complete circuit that works, we must have them both. Just like electricity only gives us its power when the two polarities are present;  we only obtain our full power when both polarities of a quality are integrated.

Everything that we desire and long for in life that we seem not to have is locked in the opposite polarity which we are rejecting, because of some life experience in the past that has been painful, and so we labeled it “bad” and decided we didn’t want that. Now that we have lived a good part of our life developing the qualities we needed for our purpose in this life, the time has come to re-integrate and accept those we have called “bad”, which are our shadows, sabotaging our full success; but without which we can never become a whole being.

When we see how shadows have been a blessing and of benefit, causing us to develop the qualities we like best in ourselves, when we love and accept them as equal partners, they will release all their gifts into our use, to move our life forward in ways we hardly dared dream of before.