All religions and all scriptures teach us that God has no beginning and no end.  That is true, even if difficult to accept by the human mind which is only aware of a reality where everything has a beginning and an end. 

So there always was the pure immaterial consciousness that we have called God, Spirit, or Source and it was everywhere at the same time so to speak, because there was no time or space then, and no thing, just pure information and energy, or Consciousness.

This Consciousness became aware of itself and when that happened, it also became aware that there was nothing else besides itself so it could not experience anything. Since it was creative Consciousness, it realized that with its intention, it could create another self. 

As soon as it did that, it realized there was no longer the Unity of the One self, but the duality of two or more, and it kept creating another, and another, and then realities, dimensions, planets, worlds, and finally beings that could inhabit and experience themselves in those dimensions.  All Universes, including our own, is just God, or the Universal Creative Consciousness dreaming.

And it dreamt of creating Beings who could dream like God dreams to create their own reality and so we now find ourselves to be in the dream of God, in the Void of the Quantum Field from which God creates, and creating our own dream reality from the Void with our every thought, word, feeling and action which are all vibrations. 

Ancient traditions have already said and recognized that, and now modern science is also catching up with mysticism and saying that everything that is, is just a vibration at different frequencies so they show up or manifest in solidity as different things. Those vibrations are creative, since they are all in the Void of the Quantum Field from which everything was created as the dream of God.

God is still dreaming and creating in every moment the perfect spiritual invisible Reality of us and everything from His Love, Light and Wholeness, so the spiritual Reality is infinite and eternal.

And we are still creating, moment by moment, with our every thought, feeling and action. The Void responds to every impulse, every ripple it gets from Spirit, the dreamer, and the human dreamer, made in the image and likeness of God, so having God’s creative aspects, mirroring back to the originator of the ripple the essence of the vibration they emitted, to create that in their world. That’s why our world is so imperfect, while God’s spiritual world is perfect infinite goodness.

That is how we create what appears in our reality, even when we say, “I would never have created that problem for myself!” But the problem has a certain vibration and frequency, and it is that energetic frequency we emitted, certainly due to a different circumstance than the present problem, that has been mirrored back to us from the Quantum Field in which we exist.