A lack of integrity with the highest principles is the root cause of problems. A house that is lacking structural integrity will, at some point, start having problems. Even if the fault is very small, over time it will affect other parts and the problem will become bigger.

The same is true of your life. When it’s lacking integrity, you start having problems. You are made of two parts, spiritual and material, and you can live in integrity with either; but only if you choose to be in integrity with the highest spiritual principles will you have a truly fulfilled life.

Problems exist only in the material part of life; your soul never has a problem, and if your thoughts, beliefs and actions are aligned with those of your soul, then you tend to have less problems. You will always have some, because you are also human, and every external problem has an internal vibrational source, which is the way you think, the way you see life and the things you believe about yourself and others, which lead to your actions, or a lack of action.

A problem can’t truly shift without changing the vibrational source of it, and that source is our thoughts and beliefs. Being in integrity means that you are standing for what in your heart, what you truly believe, and you walk, talk and act in accordance with your beliefs. Who you are inside is in agreement, in integrity, with who you are outside. And that means you can be completely wrong, even when you are in integrity. When your beliefs are faulty, and you act in accordance with them, you are in integrity, but the result will be faulty too.

Integrity which is not aligned with the highest Truth, the truth of your soul, will never work in the long run, will never bring you lasting happiness, and is not sustainable, because you are not only a human being, but first and foremost, a spiritual one and so, must align with truth principles. Aligning with just your beliefs, which are relative and can and do change depending on situations and circumstances is never enough and leads to all manner of problems. Aligning with perennial truth, and truth principles is an absolute must and gradually leads you out of problems.

The Truth principles are the oneness of all life, unconditional love, abundance, peace and harmony. We know that all there is, is goodness; that we are safe, secure and supported; that everything we need is always supplied. Being in integrity with those concepts means we start to think it is true, then we feel that it’s true, and finally, act as if it was true.

If your mindset has been that life is hard, that everything is against you, that you never get what you want, it will require a big shift; but do it gradually, one small change at a time. Then look for every confirmation you can find, however inconsequential, that your limiting beliefs are not really true. That person who held a door open for you: that’s life helping you! The check that you got in the post: that’s life supplying you! Then be grateful, and the more grateful you become, the more the Universe will give you things to be grateful for.