If you have a certain challenge, problem, disease or the situation seems hopeless, where it is really hard for you to feel that you are that infinitely powerful Spirit where no lack, limitation or disease can exist, here is a way to counteract your despondent thoughts that are not helping, and in fact, perpetuating the situation. First, ask yourself this question:

If this condition was never to change, if it was to remain with me for the rest of my life, how could I still live a fulfilled, peaceful and productive life in spite of it? What qualities would I have to develop, in what ways would I have to change? in my thoughts, feelings, my environment? What would I need to do, or stop doing?

Write down the answers that come to mind; qualities you could develop; the thoughts and feelings you would have to let go of, the actions you could take, or on the contrary, stop taking. Such as, have more trust, patience, integrity; be kinder, more supportive, more generous, compassionate; stop talking about your ills and misfortunes; extend help to others, show genuine interest in their lives. And then, when you have fully explored that and have a written record, bring to mind your issue again.

And now imagine that your problem was miraculously solved! That you have found that ideal loving partner; that you got the raise you were hoping for, or that you have won the lottery; that you are now free of the disease you had, or that your child is now out of danger. Whatever it is, imagine it resolved in the best possible way.

What would be your feelings now? How would you act, who would you become, what qualities would be activated? Gratitude, joy, generosity, power, confidence, safety and security, authority – what would be the qualities you experience? Who would you be, how would you feel? Write those down below those you already have.

Now notice that while doing this exercise, in spite of still having your issue, you already feel a little better. Because you have imagined a positive outcome, you have been looking at what you can do, what you can change within yourself that would be a solution. You have generated, from within yourself, all the good feelings rising up; and they are the substance of your future. The longer you can stay in those feelings, consciously practice them in everyday life, the brighter your future will become, regardless of circumstances.

Look over all the things you have written, and choose one from each section, that you will do your best to implement into your life, right now. To be joyful, compassionate or patient, whatever the circumstances. Do it for a day, then pick two other qualities; or do the same ones for a week, and then change to others from your list; those that most resonate with you at any given time. Be consistent with this practice; and see how, little bit by little bit, your life starts to feel so much better!