I had a conversation recently where someone wanted help with how to stop their compulsive thinking. She was recounting all the issues in her life, analyzing it all, the why and the how and the when; and with hardly a pause for breath going into a spiritual by-pass, I know that God is good and doesn’t send us trials to punish us, so why do these things keep coming up for me?

Every time I asked her a question she either brushed it aside, with a yeah, but… and carried on, reverting back to her pattern of issues.

That conversation got me to thinking that the only reason for re-hashing and over-analyzing what happens is our sense of separation from God. If we know He is good, must be supporting us and is everywhere, therefore must be in the circumstances we are experiencing. In some way, the situation must be helpful; and if we don’t see how, it simply means we are looking from our limited human perspective.

If a situation triggers you, it’s showing you a part of yourself that doesn’t think like God thinks, and that part, whether it’s sadness, resentfulness, irritation or vengefulness must be acknowledged, accepted, loved and integrated – and isn’t that realization already a sign of God’s support – to make you more like God is?

The opportunity is to realize that whatever is a source of frustration is leading us, if we’re willing, into a more complete integration and connection with our soul.

Even when you feel a total victim, abandoned by God so you can’t rely on God to save you. Wouldn’t that, at some point, incite you to move into a higher consciousness of responsibility, that it’s up to you to save yourself? That is the Grace God, moving you up the scale of awareness. God can only act through you, through your consciousness and through your body.

Instead of resisting and trying to find spiritual explanations for an unwanted circumstance, what if you just accepted it as a love note from God. Just that, already makes you feel more peaceful. We don’t have to understand it, we don’t have to know the how and the why – we just have to say, “Thank you for your message of love!” and know that something wonderful is unfolding for us.

Take facts for what they are, just facts. We don’t have to interpret them, but simply know that if we’re willing to believe in that one truth: everything is a message of love from God – then whatever happens is helping us to come into a deeper integration and embodiment of who we really are, the Divine Self.

Believing anything else is not serving you; you become frustrated, angry, confused, spinning in negativity. What does serve you, is believing that every circumstance is a message of love, without trying to understand how, why or when – then your mind is peaceful and you allow what you can’t change anyway. If action is needed, then it will come from a place of power, of being guided by Spirit.

That’s the important message I wanted to share with you today – decide what is more valuable for you; pointless analyzing, or trusting in the wisdom of the universe?