Ascension energies are being mentioned a lot these days, and mostly, being blamed for all manner of symptoms people are experiencing in their bodies. I want to bring a little clarity into the whole subject, and a little more objectivity.

First of all, the word “ascension” itself means going to a higher place, or a better place, so how could that also be synonymous with painful and disturbing things happening to us as a result?

What we have to understand is that our whole solar system, not only the Earth, and not only humanity, is presently moving into a part of the Galaxy we have never been in before, and that part of the Galaxy is of a very much higher vibration than where we were before. For thousands and millions of years we have been receiving a 3D frequency and our bodies have acclimated to that. Now, within a very few years (on a cosmic scale, suddenly!) we find ourselves in a very different frequency and every part of our body must adjust to that new frequency.

There is nothing “bad” about the frequencies, they are just energy and energy IS what it is, we simply have to adjust. What makes the adjustment distressing and uncomfortable, is our immediate judgment of this awful, this shouldn’t be, why is this happening to me, how can I fix it, stop it, reverse it, get rid of it? This resistance to what already is, is what makes it more uncomfortable and unpleasant than it needs to be.

The whole Earth is evolving into a new expression of itself, and so are we. It is pointless to try and stop the process, just because it’s uncomfortable. Just as it is pointless to try and stop a hurricane, or a tsunami that already is; we just do what seems appropriate in the moment, to protect ourselves and wait until it’s over. Because it will be over! The fact that it started means that it’s already going towards its ending. All we need do is be patient and make ourselves as comfortable as we can under the circumstances.

So what can we do when we get headaches, digestive problems, vision problems, aches and pains in various parts of the body, we get dizzy, tired, exhausted and just don’t seem able to function as before? Notice that you don’t get everything all at once, it’s one thing, and then another, and another. Your body has an intelligence of its own, and knows that if it let all the adjustments take place all at once, your systems would not be able to stand it, and completely check out. Also it knows that the modifications that will allow us to function in a 5D frequency have to be made, so it regulates the re-setting of things one after another.

Our part in helping the process, not obstructing it by resistance, is to recognize the valiant efforts your body is making, and talk to the cells that are presently unhappy and hurting with love and appreciation for the work they are doing on your behalf, recognizing their value, thanking them for their service throughout your whole life which you have never truly appreciated. And asking them with great humility, What can I do for you, to make you more comfortable? How can I be of service to you in these times of trial? And listen to what they may want to say to you, listen to the guidance as to what to do.

Rest if you need to, sleep if you need to, take time to walk in nature, to sit in prayer and meditation, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water – in other words, nurture yourself. Consciously relax every part of the body, acknowledging it as a valued part of you. And if you feel you need to, consult your doctor or health practitioner. But just your love, and abandonment of all fight against things as they are, will make your experience of a symptom better.

And maybe, just maybe, you could also ask: What can I do to make your experience of me better?