There is a lot of fear these days, fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of the economy collapsing, fear of the virus, fear of the vaccine, fear of the new strains of the virus, and every time any fear comes up, it generates an even stronger vibration of fear and anxiety. 

Some fears are real, and we should be afraid; but many of our fears are manufactured ones and we don’t have to keep feeling them; even more importantly, we can stop manufacturing them ourselves, or accepting those manufactured by others. 

When you’re on foot in the jungle, and you meet up with a tiger, it’s a real and legitimate fear; or if you are standing on the edge of a cliff on a windy day with 1000-foot drop in front of you, that’s a real fear. 

But the other fears we all have, of failing, of being visible, of sharing our true feelings, of speaking our truth, are pseudo-fears.  They are just something we have thought up and manufactured over centuries, so we now live surrounded by the energy of those fears about things that are in the future.  And we know that the future does not actually exist, that it’s imagination, a fantasy, and what we imagine may never happen.  

We would be better served by imagining a future that contains the things, events and situations we would really enjoy, and that would make us happy in the present moment, regardless of whether those events will actually happen in the future.  They might, or they might not, but our well-being and happiness in the present is the important thing, right? 

Not to mention that the vibration of joy, love and gratitude for what we now have will keep bringing more joy, love and gratitude in the next moment of now, and the next, and so is seeding the future that does not yet exist.  While the vibration of fear and anxiety about what might happen, but isn’t reality for you now will keep bringing more fear and anxiety and very likely, the actual manifestation of what you are fearing and being anxious about. 

It is possible to overcome those pseudo fears, which are obstacles facing you whenever you want to create or accomplish something that would make your life the success that you long for.  They were created by past events in your life, or events you have seen played out in others’ lives. You can appreciate and celebrate yourself for the resilience, courage and strength that allowed you to overcome those situations victoriously, since you are here! Now also becoming aware of the programming of fear that has been put in place. 

That awareness will allow you to start dismantling the programs that have served you and been necessary in the past, but which are now sabotaging your success.