Circulate to receive.

To receive, first circulate.

There is a Law of Circulation to life on this planet, just as there is a Law of Gravity, of Buoyancy, of Electricity, and if we live in accordance with those laws, they are helpful; but if we live counter to them, bad things will result.

We have been taught how to live in accordance with them in most cases, and Nature naturally conforms with them. Animals naturally conform with the law of gravity, and we never jumped off cliffs, even when we didn’t have a word for “gravity”.

Babies are taught those laws by their parents, taught not to stick their fingers into a light-socket; taught how to float in water; taught many other things that will make their lives safe, secure and comfortable. The Law of Circulation is one of those laws, but is not often taught.

However, it applies to everything, and is demonstrated as soon as we’re born: we breathe in and then we breathe out. The breath must circulate; everything, in order to come to us, must be given out of us.

Life is the first free gift from Divinity to the personality, expressed as the circulation of breath. In nature, a pond that has no inflow and no outflow, stagnates and dies. Even if there is a little inflow but no outflow, it also dies. If there is a lot of inflow and no outflow, the pond at one point will be totally filled, and overflow, creating the necessary outflow.

If we were able to stop breathing, we would die. Stopping circulation in any aspect of our life spells the death of that that aspect, for us. Together with our breath, we have been given all the other attributes of life, such as kindness, generosity, love, peace, joy, beauty, confidence, harmony, consideration, safety, security, abundance, freedom, companionship, power, courage, clarity – all the goodness you can imagine is there for you to first receive from Source. Stopping the circulation of any one of those will stop it from manifesting in your life.

So now, it’s your job to circulate whatever qualities you feel most drawn to into other lives. You actively circulate the talents and abilities you have, through painting, teaching, making music, healing, coaching; you give of whatever you have in order to receive back what you most need.

All the qualities of Source originally dormant in you, like love, gratitude, respect, validation and so on, you must activate in yourself first, so you feel you have self-love, self-worth, self-appreciation. But to receive them from others, you must first give them out to others. Whatever you most want to be in your life, you must first give some of that out, in order to receive it back.

Whether you want friends, money, knowledge or time, give it out to others, with the consciousness that you have that to give, since you have it directly from Source energy; so be a faithful friend to others; give of your time and energy to those who need it, with the consciousness that you have an unlimited amount of it from Source. Give of your money, even if it’s little, to someone who needs it more than you, with the consciousness of “I have that to give!” When you give of your knowledge, do you have more, or less of it as a result? And money, like knowledge, is just energy.

It’s all a matter of consciousness.