Life on this planet is in duality; which means that from the original oneness in which we lived as Adam and Eve before the fall, one with the Creator, one with everything that was created, now there were two, so everything had its opposite, like the two ends of a stick, or two faces of a coin that can’t be separated, but they are different.

Different does not mean bad, bad is just a jugement we put on one end or the other end of the stick, or the spectrum/sliding scale of say, temperature which goes from hot to cold. Sometimes we like hot, other times we like cold, and usually something in the middle. The stick may have green leaves on one side, and dry brown wood on the other, but both have their uses, neither is bad.

But when a lot of people think of one end negatively, and the other positively, then it becomes, for a lot of people, good or bad. Which in itself is again on a spectrum from good to bad, and every possibility in between. It gets better and better, or worse and worse. So when a lot of people think of some quality or situation as “bad” it becomes a program in the minds of those people, and they start judging it as “bad” when in fact, it’s nothing of the sort, it’s just different from something else; and when circumstances change, that program of “bad” or “good” which makes us do, or not do certain things, is no longer serving our well-being, and needs to be changed.

As life continues, and we start recognizing some of our thoughts and beliefs as just judgments we have placed on things that of themselves, are neutral, they just are the way they are. Then we can set about changing our thought or belief about a thing, recognize the value of creating it or accepting it in the past, when we didn’t know any better, and say, I don’t need to have this judgment any longer, about myself or anyone/anything else!

I don’t need to push it away, or lock it up inside me as anger or resentment for it. I just release it, to float in the field of Oneness where it joins with the belief I now want to hold that serves me much better. It’s time for me to be free, and to honor myself as who I really am, in oneness with everything while still alive on the planet!