What is ego? And why do human beings try to change it, transcend It, push it away, make it wrong? The ego is a most important aspect of us; without it, we could not survive in this world, but think that to be spiritual, we must abandon the world. Forgetting that the spiritual underlies, and is the causal part of everything material.

The divine is omnipresent, meaning present everywhere, in and around all things. It follows that nothing is outside of the divine, so the ego must also be divine. But not all of creation is consciously aware of that, there are infinite degrees in awareness and the ego is an unconscious part of divinity. That doesn’t make it wrong or bad.

A child isn’t wrong or bad because it doesn’t have the full understanding of an adult. We teach it, patiently and lovingly, and the child grows into a person that can find their place in life. And so the ego must also find its place in our spiritual life.

The ego has been created for our protection, and has done a wonderful job of helping to navigate a very dangerous world in the first days of our existence. It allowed us to remember where the pitfalls are, allowed us to learn better ways of growing food, helped in storing valuable information in the subconscious from where we can pull it up easily and rapidly.

Imagine a life where you suddenly lost your ego. You have to re-learn to walk every morning! You have to re-learn to drive your car again every time you want to use it! There would simply be no time for anything but the most basic activities.

If we had not been given an ego, we would not have the civilization we have now.
We would have become extinct very early on, since we would have been pretty defenseless against mammoths or sabre-toothed cats.

We are on an Ascension journey and we need every part of us in order to complete it. As soon as we judge, criticize or reject any part of us, we are no longer ONE and have bought into separation. We are no longer the unconditional love and acceptance Divinity is.

Don’t push your ego away as undesirable, we just need to establish clear boundaries, like parents establish boundaries for their children. We let it know that it’s coming with us on this ascension journey, because it is appreciated, needed and loved; that it no longer needs to fight for job security, that it is safe.

For many lifetimes it has led us to our graduation as spiritual beings; and now it’s our turn to lead the ego into its graduation as a conscious part of Source – which it always was.

Even if it rebels sometimes, we gently remind it that there is no longer a need for its protection, now that we know Spirit; that we’re not leaving it behind, but letting it be illumined by the Light of Spirit.