We may not think that we have created everything in our reality, but nevertheless, that is the truth. Neale Donald Walsch has illustrated that beautifully in his book, The little Soul and the Sun” which could be considered a children’s book, but is really profound when you apply the insights to your own difficulties in life. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read it now!

The concept that you are the creator of your own reality is a difficult one to accept right off the bat. How could I have created this disease that is disrupting my whole life? Why would I have created the untimely death of a loved one, or the loss of my job, or an empty bank account?

Things always happen for a reason, the deepest reason being that they happen so we can grow and become more like our Higher Self, or Soul, already is. So we can express more of the qualities of our soul into our world, and help to elevate the whole world a little. Do we always express qualities like kindness, joy, understanding, wisdom, love, compassion, acceptance, helpfulness? We probably need to learn more about these, as well as some other ones you may think of.

Another, more immediate reason for painful occurrences is that the Universe responds to your vibration in every moment, which is created by your thoughts, your feelings, your spoken words. And science has now proved that everything, in this 3D reality, is a vibration. Existence responds to your vibration, whether it’s made consciously, or unconsciously.

When things you don’t like and don’t want happen, it’s safe to assume that the contributing thoughts or feelings were unconscious. You were having a conversation with friends about how bad the economy was, how people are losing jobs because of the pandemic, about whether to take the vaccine or not, you get upset when people don’t agree with your view on something, and negative vibrations, not only yours, but those of your friends are being projected out, each one with the unique vibrational signature of the person.

All that fear, upset, sadness, lack of understanding, anger, and whatever else travels out, meeting all kinds of similar vibrations that get added to it, including those of the friends you’re with, before they return to their point of origin- so they can be transmuted back to the pure white light you received from the Universe as the energy of Life. The energy you used in those negative conversations.

Life has given you choice how to use the energy you have been given: in accordance with how your soul would use it, or some other way that is being shown to you by the world at large? Which is not doing all that well right now! Perhaps you should try the soul’s way of responding to challenges, whatever they are for you, and that will always be with love, compassion, wisdom and understanding for others’ views and opinions, while standing firm in what’s right for you.