It seems like there is a lot we want to protect ourselves from these days, and not only the physical stuff, but also things like negative energies that seem to be floating around in our 3D world. Negative energies have a low (slow) vibration, and the very best thing we can do to not attract them, or even repel them, is to cultivate a high vibration within ourselves, a vibration of joy, harmony, peace, care, gratitude…, in one word, a vibration of Love in all it aspects, where negativity cannot live. 

3D is a dimension where duality exists; there are low vibrations, and high vibrations. With our consciousness we are able to choose which vibration we want to experience; and even when we see negativity and things we don’t like around us, we can choose to not join the negativity by allowing what is, allowing others to have their experiences because that’s what they need for their evolution, and recognizing that our experience is what we need for our evolution.  

Choose to evolve by finding a place of peace and acceptance within yourself in spite of appearances; by remembering that we are all unique expressions of the Divine on our own path toward that Oneness where duality has never existed and can never exist, because Oneness is indivisible, and duality means there are two, so there is good and bad; there is right and left, hot and cold, and all the other gradations in between. 

But in Oneness, in Divinity, Source of All That Is, there is only what IS, eternal and infinite wholeness and perfection; there are no material things there; there is only Consciousness. There is no wholeness or perfection in the material world, neither is there infinity or eternality! Everything changes all the time; begins and ends.

We have to realize and accept that we live in two worlds at the same time; and the laws of the material world do not apply in the spiritual world, while spiritual laws trump material laws. Our spiritual Self is the Real, original Self and our material self is projected from it into the realm of duality, so as to allow our spiritual Self to act through the material form in this realm. But the material self chooses what to express – the spiritual qualities or the material ones. 

Our spiritual Self is the most important; without it, our material projected self couldn’t exist. The spiritual Self continues its journey after the death (disappearance) of the material self. The spiritual Self is God’s creation, has been given all the Divine attributes, “made in the image and likeness of God”; so let us try and identify with It, rather than with the physical projection that ever since our birth we have been taught to identify with. 

Then we will endeavor to express into the world the qualities of our true Self, not the negative qualities all the personal selves have created since millennia, and anchored into the 3D field where we’ve been born, and have accepted the negativity as if it was ours.  Let’s set aside the programs of unworthiness, resentfulness, anger, sadness, inadequacy, that have been imposed on us and do not and cannot exist within our true spiritual Self.