You matter – your focus matters.

What we all want for ourselves, is to live a life that is happy, joyful and abundant; and we are told that we create our reality, so why is it that when we wish for a life without any worries, it’s not manifesting?  Things always happen that throw us off balance, make us sad, anxious or depressed.

First of all, just idly wishing for life to become better is not enough; we actually have to do something to make it better, we are creators!

And doing starts with changing our perceptions, our thoughts, and our beliefs about who we are, and what we are here for. Because we experience what we believe about ourselves, about others, and about life in general.

We have to stop believing that we are an insignificant person among 7.5 billion other people and that we don’t matter; stop believing that we are down here on earth where everything seems to be going from bad to worse while God is up in Heaven and separate from us.

We have to start believing that each one of us, the 7.5 billion people matter equally, because we are intimately connected with God and are the form which God takes so as to express Himself in materiality. Start believing that we are all of what God is in potential, and it’s our appointed task to bring the qualities of the divine mind into this world according to our particular wishes and desires.

God can’t do anything physical for us except through us.  We are the eyes and ears and hands and feet and mind of God in this world, with free will, so that we can create as God creates.  And what we see in the world is what collectively, we have created by our past thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Now is the time to change all of that.  The collective is made up of individuals, so individually, no matter what anyone else is thinking and doing, we must think, believe and know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are a part of God, that we are one with the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent divinity and decide to express through our actions only what that divinity is.

God is love; so we will act with love towards everything that exists. God is peace; so we will bring peacefulness to all that exists. God is joy, harmony and allowance; that’s what we decide to bring to all of creation. God is the abundance of every good quality and thing we can imagine; and we decide to be the instrument through which all goodness and abundance can come into this world.

That must be our intention, and that is what our attention must be focused on consistently, regardless of what we see manifesting in the world, which is just a coagulation of our past thoughts and actions. When your first thought towards anyone or anything you see becomes: “I bless you with peace, joy, love, health, and abundance” and then you start aligning your actions with the mantra you have just silently spoken for them, just notice how the world around you starts to shift, expressing more and more of what you have just blessed it with.