There is much talk about how to deal with shadows, and while we are in the physical, relative, 3-D world we all have shadows, which are simply our negative judgements of some absolute, Divine quality that is good. 

In the relative realm every energy, or quality or thing is on a sliding scale or spectrum from absolute goodness to its opposite, and every gradation in between. Also, we need to recognize that absolute goodness or perfection only exists in the spiritual realm, not in the physical one.  While “bad” only exists in the physical realm, not in the spiritual one. 

That’s why everything in the relative physical dimension has an opposite; we have light/dark, black/white, and every shade of grey in between. Right/left, and every direction between;  hot/cold, and every temperature between;  joy/grief, and every emotion between; love/hate;  fear/courage; order/chaos; silence/sound;  and you can let your imagination run – in our world everything has an opposite.

Not so in the invisible, infinite, spiritual world where there are no opposites, because it is Oneness. In the One, there is no other; other is created by Twoness, or duality, it’s a construct of separation.

 We are all in duality at present, and have been for aeons of time, and of course we then have two ways of lifting ourselves out of duality into oneness. 

One is working on our perception of there being shadows, and reconciling the shadow with its opposite, making them into one which is almost impossible for our mind (in duality) to grasp, but which can be experienced, under certain conditions. Such as absolute spiritual Oneness, where there is stillness and motion at the same time; sound and silence at the same time, knowing and not knowing at the same time.   

The other is raising our vibration, (which is a combination of the energies of our thoughts, beliefs, words, perceptions and actions) into this field of pure energy and information without any material form, by elevating and changing every part of that combination of energies to a level as high, or as good/ or as perfect as is possible for our dual mind to conceive.

The first way is more accessible to us at the present time since we have a clear understanding of what, for us, is good or bad; and seeing that our neighbor very often has a different perception. So we can search for a middle point between the two perceptions where there is no fight between them.  Or we can realize that even from what has seemed to be very bad in the past, a lot of good has come; so that in fact, good or bad are just judgments; if we see things as they are, without judgment, we can be peaceful about the whole situation. Facts are what we need to see, not our preferences about them. 

The second way is more difficult, if only because we have no clear vision of what absolute goodness or perfection looks like, since it doesn’t exist in our world, so we can never know when we are at the absolute perfect level of perceiving.   Doing a combination of the two is what I would suggest to be the best for each of us right now; both finding a middle way by letting go of judgments and criticisms and raising our vibration by elevating our thoughts, words and actions to the highest level we are able to express.