Conditions don’t determine well-being.

How do you feel today?  And why do you feel the way you’re feeling? Take a moment to reflect on those questions.  Maybe you’re feeling upset, angry, and resentful, or maybe you are happy, peaceful, or allowing about your circumstances.

Now, why are you feeling like this?  Because your body is in pain, because you had phone call with some bad news, because your projected holiday got cancelled?  Or you just heard your daughter had a baby, or you won the lottery, or got that long-desired promotion?

One set of circumstances makes you unhappy, the other set makes you happy; but let’s concentrate on the unwelcome circumstances. You don’t like feeling bad, so you would like to change those situations.  But there is nothing you can actually do to change them.

What can you change to feel better? On the one hand, you have circumstances you can do nothing about, on the other there is you and your feelings about those circumstances. You realize it’s your own feelings which make you unhappy; and those you can do something about, because they stem from your thoughts.

You being unhappy doesn’t serve you, doesn’t serve anyone else that may be concerned, and makes no difference to the situation; so why stay that way?  You can still be compassionate and helpful to anyone involved, but changing your thoughts will contribute to your well-being and have a significant impact on those around you.

Any positive thought held for 60 seconds will over-ride any other thought, and then trigger another positive thought, and another.  A positive frequency held for 90 seconds will start changing the chemistry in your body, making it more alkaline, allowing healing responses to be generated and raising your overall frequency.  The closer you are to the frequency of your soul, the better you will feel.

And it’s not hard to change your thoughts: all you have to do is turn them away from the present circumstance and think of some event in your past life that made you really happy, or of some person you deeply love. Think back to some beautiful experience you had and bask in that feeling of joy, happiness or love you then had – and keep it up for 90 seconds.  More if you want to, it’s so good to feel happy!

Then, an idea might come of how to deal with the situation.  If it does, do what seems best, and when it’s done, turn your thoughts again to some happy event to keep your feelings in that high register of happiness.  

And if no ideas come, what if that whole situation was only there to remind you that by feeling joy and being at peace you come closer to the frequency of Spirit where you find solutions for every problem.  And what if you realized that every condition or situation, whether you like it or not, is only there to make you remember your identity as Spirit? You would then be living in Heaven!