Today I want to share with you some new understandings I’ve had about energy healing.

We all know that there are new and potent energies coming to us, allowing access to far more power that we’ve had in previous years, decades and hundreds of years; power that can be used for the betterment and enhancement of our temporal lives. What we tend to forget is that power comes with responsibility.

Energy healing, as recently as five and ten years ago, worked well, but what was happening was, the same people who got cured of a pain in the back used to come back three months later with a problem in the shoulder, or the knee – and that happened over and over again. Self-healing, for myself, mirrored that. Until I started asking why, and how to prevent problems, of whatever nature, to appear. And started getting answers.

In essence, problems are there to show us where we are not in alignment with Source/God, which never has a problem – right? So we needed to take the steps necessary to bring ourselves into alignment from the physical side of life, before energy healing on ourselves, or done by others, can work for us. We needed to learn the lessons that will prevent issues coming back, which mostly, we didn’t, and don’t.

That means taking total responsibility for the problem. Generally speaking, people come to the energy healer expecting the problem to disappear, but when it does, they don’t start making the changes in their habits and life that were responsible for that problem, and so, re-create it.

Energy no longer allows us to do that. Now, it’s learn the lesson first, and then we can experience the healing. Evolution demands that we become more like the Divine Source before we can be given the attributes and powers of Source. We have to clean up our own habits of thought, words, doing, being, seeing and perceiving. to align more and more with how Source thinks, sees and perceives.

The healing of the body, finances, relationships, or whatever it is, even if we go to a doctor, naturopath or energy healer must be accompanied by doing our own inner work of bringing ourselves into alignment with Source. Every outer help, or resource is good; every one is a part of Divinity, but outside help will only work, and only for a time, until we truly become an expression of Source energy that we already are.

We used to rely 100% on the outside and on God for our well-being; now we are asked to provide 15% and soon, maybe 20%, of our own effort towards the healing we desire, with the intensification of the energies flooding the earth. Problems will always exist, they are part of human life, but it’s the consciousness and the response we bring to the problems that will make them so much less problematic!