What you think about, you bring about!

Whatever appears in our life, we have brought into it, because nothing can come into our experience except through our consciousness.  And consciousness extends to our sub-conscious and super-conscious, and as human personalities, we are unaware of the content of those.  

That’s why things seem to happen that we don’t like, don’t want, and that we would never have consciously created – but we have created them on some level and always for a very good reason – our evolution. Even if the reason is not apparent to your personality.

Resisting what has already happened is a pretty useless exercise, because you can never change what is.  If the plane you were supposed to take has been canceled – that’s a fact. You dropped your phone and it’s broken – it’s done. Your partner has broken up with you through a text – they’re gone. Resisting it, being angry, worried, upset about anything that is, makes life really painful and never changes any circumstance. But your response to the situation that confronts you will determine your future circumstances, and those may improve in the next moment, or may not.

But understand the working of those minds:  your subconscious mind is a recording machine that has recorded everything that has happened since you were born, every word spoken or heard, every door slamming; and its function is to protect you from anything it considers bad; your superconscious mind has access to all the wisdom of the Universe and all its goodness.

You are in the middle, with a very limited awareness of what has happened the past, and no awareness at all of the future (which does not yet exist), because you are supposed to create it for yourself.

And “create” isn’t really the right word, because everything has already been created in the invisible by God/Source Energy, and our role is to reach into this Field with our awareness and bring into visible manifestation what we desire.

Only thoughts that come close to the joy, harmony, peace and abundance of God can reach into the divine field of goodness and draw to us the good we want; any thoughts opposite to that, of worry, anxiety, frustration or anger have to stay in the humanly-created subconscious field to draw from that, mostly what we don’t want.

What we are seeing in the present is just a coagulated expression of our thoughts of the past; and by our attention to the unwanted things, we project them into our future and have to re-experience the essence of that vibration.

STOP paying attention to all the “bad” things that you see out there, which you can’t do anything about, anyway!  That’s not to say you don’t stop destructive behavior, if you can – but your main focus is to search for, and pay attention to, all the “good” things that are visible everywhere.  You just have to decide what you want to look at.

Maybe, just maybe, the reason for the sad and distressing situations being brought to your attention is so you learn to not dwell in the negativity – bless it, but remember your divinity and bring down its perfection into visible reality. It’s all up to us, individually.