We tend to see everything that happens through the lens of our preferences, meaning as either “good” or “bad”. And yet, this not true of energy, because energy just “is” what it is, and allows us to use it in whatever ways we choose. It is our consciousness that is the director of energy and the outcome will be a reflection of the essence of our consciousness at the time of taking the action required for the manifestation in 3D of that energy. Acceleration just accelerates what is in our awareness. 

This is also true of the acceleration I believe everyone is feeling now, to some degree. For some of us, it has been the acceleration of our awakening to ideas, concepts and values that we were not aware of before, or not as aware as now, when they become all important; for some others, it has been an acceleration of disasters, traumas, health, family or financial issues that have escalated. 

It’s the same energy that is flowing to all of us, so where does the difference in outcomes come from? It comes from our consciousness, from where we put our attention, or focus on. 

Some people’s response to what they see happening in the world or in their environment – because negative things, even sometimes horrific things, do happen! – there is no denying that. But their internal and often, external response has been This is terrible!  This shouldn’t be happening! Why does Spirit/Source/or God allow such things, if He is Love, joy and harmony?  Forgetting that Source provides the energy to all beings to think, speak, and act and has also given them the ability to choose how to think, speak and act, never interfering with the choices they make. 

Some of us are choosing to use the neutral energy of Spirit unconsciously, in destructive ways, but some others are raising their awareness to where they can start seeing the bigger picture of how seemingly destructive events are really opening out new avenues for constructive thinking, constructive action to counterbalance the appearances of lack and limitation. Every appearance holds the potential of both “good” and “bad”. Not God, but we are the ones making that choice. 

We do see people spiraling down into lower frequencies of depression, repression, illness and disease, control of others. But we also see many who have health, have the necessary resources, are supported in their endeavors to help those not able to help themselves, sharing what they have, even if it’s just a kind word or the joy and gratitude they have embodied through focusing on what is true: that they, and everyone is really Spirit temporarily manifesting in human form.

When we choose to put our attention on what is permanent and true, not on the illusory and temporary appearances, those appearances lose the importance they had when we were identified with the body.  And Truth, once known, cannot be unknown; it can be pushed aside, disregarded, not acted upon, with the consequences that will accompany the focus we hold; but as soon as our focus goes back to the Truth, bit by bit our outer circumstances change to reflect the Truth that we now hold.