When we look at what’s happening in the world on the global level, it seems as if things are getting worse before they get better – because they have to get better, since this is a world of continual change and when we are at rock-bottom, there is only one way to go, and that is, up!

But we don’t have to wait for things to get better before we feel better, because how we feel inside does not depend on what we see outside. We’ve been conditioned from our early childhood by our family environment, and have developed certain patterns of thought and behavior that are not always in our best interests.

People have shown us what worked for them, how they got to be successful or admired, or how they got their way, and so we tend to become like those who have had the most impact or influence on us. We want to become like those we wish we were loved by, or those who have the most dominant energy. It can be a good, or a bad energy. Subconsciously, , we are always attracted to whatever is the most intense sensation.

The things we see happening out in the world are certainly very intense, and that’s why we get steeped in that energy which is very negative; global warming, massive disappearance of animal species, ethnic cleansing, millions of refugees, wars and terrorism. Subconsciously, we are drawn to look at that and find no solutions.

But we must remember that a positive energy is always more powerful than a negative one, and as beings that are aware of our spiritual nature, we don’t have to replicate the negativity we are surrounded by; but can bring in the positivity of Spirit into every situation that confronts us.

Whatever you put out into the world, will circle around and come back to you. That’s the Law of Circulation, true for everyone; but you don’t have to accept into your world the negative energy put out by others. If you see it, you can disregard it, it’s not yours, you don’t have to let it in. Let it pass you by, and use your attention, intention and focus to be and proclaim the opposite of what you have just seen.

When you see hate and anger in the world, you call for love and peace: may all beings be blessed with love and peace, and may I be more loving and peaceful! When you see neglect and indifference: may all beings be cared for, esteemed and respected. Whatever negativity you see, energetically you flood into it what it most needs: may everyone be fed healthy food, may everyone have clean water, may everyone be safe, happy, joyful, supported, feel loved and accepted.

As you do that, and start anchoring a blessing into every situation you see on the news or hear about in a conversation, just check in with your feelings. Are they still sad, angry, resentful, horrified? They can’t be, with all the good things you have wished for and given your attention to. You have become a happier person by giving, even if just energetically, to others.

Become the opposite of all the people who have hurt you, betrayed you or abandoned you and be who you were born to be, a Light unto a world of darkness.