The rules for manifesting your desires are simple: attention, intention, and action.

First, become aware that spiritual wholeness and goodness is already here and in you; that is what is true about you. That closes the gap between a God up in Heaven and you down here, asking for your soul mate or finances, while God is saying, “I gave you all of me already, why don’t you use it!” – and you come to realize you can’t be given what you already have; but in order to experience the visible manifestation, you have to move, to act.

You turn your loving attention to the Source of all; you hold an intention for what you desire; then you take the actions congruent with inspiration from Spirit and your desire, to make it manifest in the world.

It’s like walking into a fully furnished house, with all the appliances needed for cooking, washing and ironing, even mowing the lawn; it has a computer and a TV and you stand there and say I want some toast, or I want to watch a movie – and nothing happens! Until you put a piece of bread in the toaster and switch it on; or until you get the remote, open the TV, choose your movie and start it.

You are like that house which has everything you need; but to make your life what you want it to be requires some effort, some work, as well as turning your attention with gratitude to the only Power, your Source, and holding a loving intention for what you desire. And that’s OK, effort is necessary, but make sure it’s the right kind of effort.

Not to attract anything, or improve yourself, you can’t improve the Spirit you are; it’s more of an effort for alignment with Spirit. It takes some effort to sit and meditate when you don’t feel like it; it takes some effort to sit and write your article or book when you’re not inspired; it takes some effort to go on a daily walk when all the unfinished chores are piling up – but you have committed to do certain things to get into alignment, and you are going to keep that commitment, no matter what.

That’s the condition, sine qua non, of growing your trust in yourself that creates confidence and self-worth; leads you take bigger steps that give you greater competence, then greater confidence, and you are now on an upward spiral which builds self-esteem, resilience, integrity, and belief in your capacities.

The mechanism of building self-worth and confidence is through making commitments and keeping them. You are coming from a place of “I already have everything in potential, but must develop my ability to give expression to what I am.”