As human beings, we are conditioned to think that our happiness is dependent on the material things we can get or possess.  And on the material level of our being, that’s really good, it teaches us how to live and thrive in the world we have been born into and have to live in, until we depart back to whence we came.

We must not forget, however, that the spiritual being who is animating the physical body is also present, even if invisible. When we suddenly feel so happy and expansive, for no reason at all that we can pinpoint, and we feel like singing, or dancing, or hugging the whole world, that’s when a true connection with the divinity inside of us has been activated.  We are one with the joy, peace and harmony, and every other quality of Spirit, the Spirit that we actually are, and life seems to live itself without us having to make any effort.

But what about those times when everything goes wrong, and you get frustrated, irritated, overwhelmed or sad, sometimes with a reason, and sometimes for no reason that you see and blame as the cause of your unhappiness? 

That’s when you have been impacted by the mass consciousness of the world that you live in, by the negativity generated by humanity since the beginning of time and that you have accepted, and actually been taught to accept, as the world you now live in. 

But you can refuse to accept it any longer, now that you are an adult who has the ability to choose. Choice is the greatest gift we have been given, together with awareness.  Awareness of what is, that we can expand and expand infinitely – because Spirit is infinite; and choice, which is the ability to choose what we want from among all the possibilities open to us. 

When in the visible world it seems that we are limited in the choices we can make, but we are never limited when it comes to choosing what to think, to feel, and to believe.  And it is those aspects of us that determine how happy, or unhappy we are. 

When outer conditions are not to your liking, and you are feeling sad, or upset, without being able to do anything about those conditions, then consciously turn your thoughts to some happy event in your past, or imagine such an event in the future, and feel the feelings that those events evoke for a minute or two.  

You will be surprised at how quickly your mood changes, when holding fast to that beautiful memory, or fantasy.