7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 7/7

You are alive because God, or Source, has infused itself into the original cell in your mother’s womb. Without that life-force we call our soul, the coming together of your father and mother would never result in a baby which would grow into its own individuality.

Nothing in life is random; everything has a purpose, and you are no different. Your soul had a purpose when it incarnated and holds that vision. As a character, a physical personality you have forgotten what it was, even if your preferences, your abilities and what we call talents often give you a clue.

You have started out in life with the fullness of Spirit and all its qualities already in you as a potential, to choose from. As you grow, both in body and understanding, you change and adjust your ideas, your desires, always striving for more. On a deep level, you know your soul is infinite and you will never get to the end of what it has to offer.

You were born with the ingrained determination to never give up. Does a baby who is crawling give up trying to stand up? After all, it has been trying for months, with no success; but it knows it can do anything and it has its parent right there demonstrating it can be done.

As children, we do what pleases us most; little by little, we have to start doing all manner of things that we don’t like so much, like learning maths, or spelling. We conform to the ideas of our elders just so our life can be more comfortable and to get rewards, not punishments.

Then our responsibilities grow, we have a family to support and that might look like being in a job that is boring or unfulfilling and doesn’t leave time to do what would give us the greatest joy.

But our soul wants us to be happy, fulfilled and living in harmony with ourselves. It will always bring us experiences to propel us forward towards our highest good. However, we must be willing to view them from the perspective of our soul.

If our experiences were all happy ones, we would stay in the rut of a nice comfortable life, because comfort brings complacency and stagnation, not growth. Usually, it’s our most uncomfortable experiences that will be the catalysts for our spiritual advancement.

The whole purpose of life is to bring each one of us closer to what our soul already is, while remaining a human being. Living in a state of joy, peace, trust, harmony, love and appreciation; expressing understanding, generosity, kindness, consideration and compassion to others; being patient, and a pillar of strength and support for all life. In order to live a fulfilled life, contemplate questions such as these:

  • How can I grow because of this experience?
  • What is the larger life trying to emerge because of this?
  • What are the soul-qualities I am asked to express in this situation?
  • How do I need to change, what qualities must I embody to be OK with what’s happening?

And then, act in accordance with the answers you get from your inner guidance.

I love you, and hope these 7 guidelines have been valuable in moving you to your next level!