Nothing can come into your life except through your Consciousness. The infinite power of the Universe, called the Quantum Field, Source, or Divinity is everywhere, and there is nothing outside of it, so it is also where you are, and what you are. You are the Consciousness animating your body, because when it leaves you, in what we call death – the body can neither see, nor hear, nor move nor think. So it’s Consciousness that makes your mind think, your muscles move, your heart beat, your organs perform their appointed tasks.

You are Consciousness.

So whatever you desire to have, you must cultivate the consciousness of “having” it, before it can come into your life. The Universe matches what is in your consciousness, gives you more of what is in your feelings. It responds to your vibration more than to your words, and what you say is not necessarily what you feel. If you are affirming I am abundant, I have all the money I need, and under the words, you are feeling that you don’t have enough, that you bank account is empty, the Universe will reflect back to you more of what is in your feeling, so more of not enough.

This universe is governed by laws such as the law of gravity, the law of aerodynamics, the law of buoyancy, and there is also a law of circulation that applies to everything in this world, starting with your breath. You breathe in, then you breathe out. You can’t breathe in all the time, it’s against the law of circulation. If you did, you would explode. You can’t breathe out all the time; it’s against the law of circulation. If you did, you would pass out. Mercifully, when you pass out, and your free will is not operating any more, the laws of the Universe take over and make you breathe again as you should.

The same law is operating when you have a desire; you also have to give. You cannot give what you don’t have, and you cannot receive what you haven’t first given. It’s a circle, and if you block the movement at any point, stagnation occurs, a stop in the flow of energy. Just like a pond where there is no inflow and no outflow. It stagnates, life within it ceases and finally it dries up.

So on a practical level, since we live in a material world and have material desires, after we have filled ourselves up with the qualities of Source, the inexhaustible spiritual treasure-chest of love, peace, respect, validation or appreciation – whatever you most need – we must start by giving out to others whatever we have, whether it’s time, friendship, knowledge and/or support; and yes, even money, if we want to have more money. Give whatever you want to have more of.

However little money you think you have, give even a dollar to a beggar in the street, but with the consciousness that “I have this to give”; so the Universe can respond with more of the things you’re giving. It’s your consciousness of “having”, whether abilities, talents, money, intelligence or whatever else, which draws to you more of what you declare you have and give.