We all have problems, just as the world has problems, but they can become less problematic, which means have less of a negative impact, if you cultivate the right mindset. A problem is a matter of interpretation; it is always subjective, depends on how you view life, what you do in life, on what your background and culture is, what your education was… the list goes on and on.

And the most basic meaning of a problem is your judgment that it is in some way inconvenient, unwanted or unpleasant; in one word, “bad”. Shakespeare has already informed us that: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Through our thinking, a fact has become problematic.

Divine will can only present situations or events that will propel you forward into a closer connection with who you really are, your Spirit. It is up to you to search for how the situation could be beneficial for your spiritual growth – because that is Spirit’s only agenda. Often, this can only be seen in hindsight, so for now, it is enough to know and accept that even if you don’t know how, this must be for your highest evolution.

Everything has a purpose, and that purpose is always for the highest good; but not necessarily for what we think is good for our physical being. At our core, we all believe God is good, and could not create anything less than Itself. God’s perfect ideas, coming through an imperfect or diseased human mind no longer reflect the perfection of divinity. So let’s look at what the purpose of God was for incarnating into human form.

I believe it was so we can consciously choose to express all divine attributes into this visible world. Therefore, our job is to unconditionally pour out peace, love, joy, harmony, wisdom, health and abundance – among many others – to a world that so much needs it.

While we are looking at appearances of illness, grief, lack and limitation, we can see with our inner eye the health, joy and abundance of the Spirit at the core of our being. While we are looking at criminal behaviors, we can see the Spirit within that is not recognized and acknowledged, or they simply could not do such things. And mentally, send compassion and blessings, which anchors some measure of Light into a place of total darkness. But if we feel hate, resentment or anger, we have failed in doing our job of expressing divine qualities into this world.

That is not condoning greed, dishonesty or crime; if we can, we stop such behaviors, put people in prison if they are a danger to others; but never close our hearts to the Spirit that is within them just the same as it is within us.

When we see on TV what is happening in the world, we can’t actually do anything about it, except open our hearts and send compassion, love and blessings to the unfortunate victims, as well as to the perpetrators who have not yet become aware of who they really are. That is all that is required! As someone who has become aware, you can rise into the consciousness of your divinity and pour Light into any situation or event.

What if we were all so busy adding light to the world that there was no time left for thinking about clearing out darkness?

There would be nothing left but Light!

Photo: Stockunlimited