What’s going on in the world right now is a macrocosm representation of our microcosm struggle as individuals.  But in order for the world to succeed in shaking off the tight control the Powers-That-Be are exerting over individuals, institutions, corporations, all the various systems of control, we as individuals need to release the limitations and the control the programs we have internalized are exerting over our own lives. We need to make more conscious choices, not be run by unconscious programming we have been absorbing and accepting since our birth. 

Everything always starts with the individual.  Because the institutions, corporations, governments, all the systems we have put into place are run by individuals.  Take away all the individuals, and there will be no such thing as a government, a corporation, or a banking system. They don’t actually exist, as an entity that can do anything.  The entity that does something, is the people in it. Otherwise, it’s just a building with a lot of filing cabinets, desks, chairs and paper.

People all over the world basically want the same things; to live in joy, peace and harmony, in freedom, abundance and education for all, and those things have been missing in the past, for hundreds and thousands of years. People are now wanting to overcome the limitations and struggles of previous generations, and are reaching for a higher consciousness where all their highest desires can be met, in consciousness first and foremost. Inner freedom must come first, before outer freedom, because outer freedom will always be relative, while inner freedom is absolute, outside of time and space. 

That inner freedom is achieved through the spiritual work of letting go, or surrender. when we learn to unconditionally accept, or allow, the way things are. When we want nothing other than what already is, we become a profoundly free human being. This does not mean we don’t still change what we don’t like in the outer life, but in consciousness, we have no resistance to it. 

The control Governments and corporations have is being slowly but surely shaken off,  to the degree that individual human beings, you and me, and those in the Governments and corporations, let go of wanting to control life, and start wanting to live differently, having the freedom to choose what to put into their bodies, freedom to move around, to create their own abundance, to love without conditions.  

The Quantum Field is mirroring back those collective desires, and we must keep focusing on those things we want, rather than getting pulled into opposing and resisting what we don’t want. What each of us thinks and feels and does matters more than we are even aware of!