The very first thing to do if we want a great life is to believe in it, in the face of everything that says we can’t. And the second thing is, to take the steps necessary to make it a reality.

We are an expression of the all-knowing and all-powerful God – and we can choose to believe that and have the life we desire, or choose to believe we are just a human being living in a roller-coaster of random events, and have a life that just happens to us. “As you believe, so shall it be done unto you”.

I have just had an experience that proved to me that one of my beliefs is true. And that belief is, we are an expression of God and have within us all God has; in other words, that with trust and belief and prayerful asking, we can reach into the absolute and timeless realm of spiritual goodness where everything is all at once and is perfect, to draw what we desire into the relative realm of time and space and visible manifestation.

I had planted tomato seeds on my balcony, watered them and put the watering can back where it belonged in the kitchen. This was its place, always! Two days later I wanted to water my seeds – but the can was not where it always was. It shocked me – that’s impossible!

Maybe I left it out on the balcony – I went to check both balconies, looked through every room – except my office – it wasn’t anywhere. My mind was beginning to spin – it was very windy yesterday so if I left it out, it may have flown off into the garden below so I looked – no, it hadn’t! Now I would have to go and buy another one – and I don’t have time for that – and anyway, it’s impossible for a can to disappear in a closed apartment – notice how my mind was starting to freak out – so I took a deep breath and remembered what was true.

The truth is that in every apparent problem there is also its solution, and that lies in the spiritual field of perfect potentials; and it’s our job to choose the best potential we can perceive. So I needed to rise into spiritual potentials, because the human appearance was unsatisfactory.

So I turned to Spirit, knowing the perfect solution was already there spiritually; took a minute or two to sink into God’s energy field while asking for what was best; gave thanks for it appearing in my linear time and space – and stopped searching. Went into my office to start my day.

And my eyes fell on the little fountain I have sitting on one corner of my desk – and I remembered. Yesterday, I used the watering can to fill it up and put it on the floor to adjust the plants around it. I went to the back of the desk and there it was!

Would I have found it at some point? Definitely. But in the meantime, I would have been stressed abut it disappearing, I might have gone to get another one, and would have been having that nagging feeling of: how could it disappear? for days.

But I chose to know the spiritual truth about the situation, ask for it to show up, be grateful for the solution already there in the invisible, and get on with life trusting all would be well, without any stress.

This time, it appeared almost instantly – many times it doesn’t. Then you choose to be grateful for what shows up, even if it’s not what you wanted, because you know that everything is always for your highest good.

It’s simple, but don’t think it’s easy; and to work, it must be practiced daily, in all circumstances, until it becomes a habit. Once the habit established, you have peace and joy in your life, and at root, isn’t that what you really want?