You are Mary, Joe or Jania. You are a mother, father or daughter/son. You are an employee, a musician, artist or plumber. You are a politician or an activist, a basket-ball player or a scientist. But once you have defined yourself in those various ways, you also know, deep down, that who you are will not be altered or changed in any way because you have ceased to be a teacher and become an artist, or ceased being a mother or an athlete, for whatever reason.

All those states really show what you are doing or engaging in, not who you are. Who you are is that intangible and invisible Self within, which allows you to accomplish anything you feel drawn to at any particular time. Every talent, ability and capability is inherent in that Higher Self, but it has to be expressed through a body in order for it to appear in the world of form, perceived by one of our five senses.And the gift of free will lets you, the physical being, determine what it is you want to express in and through your life.

Your soul had a divine plan for why it incarnated and what was to be accomplished through you this time around. But life happens, you get emotionally bruised and battered, physically hurt and harmed and you forget you have a Spirit within you, always helping you to become more like Itself. That Spirit is all-powerful, all-knowing and everywhere present, so logically, it must also be within you – even if you often feel abandoned by God!

That is never the case; it is just a belief that you have developed, or accepted from others in authority when you were a child and did not have the discernment necessary to question what you were told. Now that you know better, question every belief or thought that comes of unworthy, not good enough, incapable, a failure, afraid – whatever it is, your soul has none of that within itself, and so it can heal it, if you don’t interfere with choices made from the human mind.

Healing can be simple. Imagine you’ve cut your finger, and then, without you doing anything, it heals itself! You see it bleeding and you don’t think, “I’ll bleed to death! What can I do?! You don’t moan, “why is this happening to me?” But you create the right conditions for it to heal. You just clean it, put a band-aid on and forget about it. The body is wired to heal itself, if we don’t interfere.

The emotional bruises and wounds of your life can also be healed naturally by the same Presence and Power. You have created the necessary physical right conditions for healing your finger, so you must also create the necessary energetic right conditions for your emotional and mental wounds to heal – you don’t contaminate them by despondent thoughts, ignore them or pretend they’re not there. You anticipate the best outcome, and cultivate a firm belief that a Power, which keeps Universes in their orbits and keeps you breathing without your help, is also willing and able to heal every aspect of your life.

But the most important thing I invite you to realize is that a sincere connection with Spirit and alignment with its purpose will make your life flow easily and effortlessly, while resisting creates your problems, issues and pain. When you identify more with Spirit than with the human personality, and ask the God of your understanding to do through you and for you what your personality alone cannot do, then keep making the highest choices, it will still look as if you the character is making the decisions and doing things; but in your consciousness, you will know God is really doing it all, while appearing in human form.

That shift in consciousness is the one that will make all the difference. So the important thing is not always knowing what to do in any particular instance, but taking a moment to remember who is actually doing it, and aligning with the guidance given as to what to do. When we remember that, there can be nothing wrong, ever.