True healing vs. healing

There are many definitions of healing and many ways to do it, but what we don’t very often think about is its mental component. Healing is not just getting rid

Trust life don’t judge it

Whatever you think you have too much of, or not enough of, if you can trust that Life, all-pervading, immortal good, is always conspiring for your highest and greatest good,

Sense of individuality

Our sense of individuality becomes our identification and creates our experience. Our journey in this world is meant for us to uncover who and what we are as.

Shifting your perspective is possible

Even if your life right now seems hopeless, and you can’t find a single redeeming feature in it making you happy, you can still shift your perspective.

Life is good

Life is good! Life is abundant! Life is harmony and every so-called "good" quality of Source Energy is flowing all the time through and around us and all Nature, but

Discernment is a great quality

When asking for guidance, or wanting to know what our soul wants for us, rather than what our ego wants, and having all kinds of thoughts about it, we need

If God is ever-present good, why is there evil?

When we see conflict, disagreement, destruction, discord being perpetrated, we start wondering if there even is a God? what we don't see is the tremendous spiritual Light that is pushing

You are never really stuck, or blocked

So many of us want to move forward with their life, but say and feel that they are stuck, or that something is blocking them.  That may be their experience,

We influence the Quantum Field

A lot is being said these days about the Quantum Field and the Void, and they are not really a different thing; simply the Void can be considered as the

Seeking Protection from the world

It seems like there is a lot we want to protect ourselves from these days, and not only the physical stuff, but also things like negative energies that seem to

Releasing control and limitations

What's going on in the world right now is a macrocosm representation of our microcosm struggle as individuals.  But in order for the world to succeed in shaking off the