Practicing Deep Gratitude

Gratitude is not simply saying "thank you" when someone has done something for you,or given you a gift. When you say the words without actually feeling the feeling ofgratitude, you

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The Power of Commitment.

It’s important to have intentions for how you want your life to unfold, and then establish regular reminders to put that intention into practice. When you get the reminder, it

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New habits are now building

We have now had about 21 days of establishing a new "normal" for our lives, having to self-quarantine, having our children, spouse or partner at home all the time, and that can be

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We matter

A message for Thanksgiving Day. With the Thanksgiving celebrations now coming up in the US, it is time to pause our day-to-day thinking and focus on what we can be grateful

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Life is a balancing act

7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 5/7 Balance and flow are present everywhere in nature, and dysfunction occurs only when human beings interfere with the inherent harmony of nature. Night follows

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