Your lack is also your abundance. Jania Aebi.


What if I told that if you are lacking things, missing things, not having the things you want can be transformed into your abundance?

That seems impossible, and yet, when you think about it, lack of things and an abundance of things are like two ends of a stick. They are indivisible, and the only difference between them is your judgment: this is “good”, and that is “bad”.

Look at your life: what are the things you don’t want and have much of?

You may have lots of unpaid bills; or a large credit-card debt; you have way too many thoughts that never give you a moment’s peace; you may have people always criticizing you, or a lack of money, or be in bad health.

We can only achieve abundanceand financial freedom if we feel abundant; so how to cultivate a feeling of being abundant, if all you see in your life is only lack, limitation and “not having”? Simply by acknowledging the abundance you see everywhere around you and also in your life, without judgment as to whether it is good or bad. I know it’s really hard to feel abundant when your bank account is empty, your health is bad, and your relationship with people is, to say the least, unsatisfactory.

But when you have lots of things you don’t like and don’t want, isn’t that an abundance of those things?

Look at everything objectively rather than subjectively and you will start seeing how abundant life really is. It’s easy to see how abundant nature is when the process of life is not interfered with by free will; there are thousands of leaves on every tree, so much fruit, every fruit has so many seeds.

But you look at your almost empty bank account, and start feeling “I don’t have enough”. Let go of that until it is actually time to pay that bill of $90.95 , and every day, until the end of the month, cultivate the feeling of “I have $10 – and right now, it is enough!”

See a Ferrari pass you by in the street and instead of being envious, acknowledge how abundant the owner must be. Look at all the negative thoughts you’re generating and think: “Wow! I have an abundance of thoughts!” Look at your credit card debt and realize: “I have an abundance of debt!” It may not be an abundance of what you want, but it certainly is abundance, if you don’t judge it.

Every time you recognize abundance, your frequency is raised.

Make seeing abundance everywhere a practice, without judgment as to whether it’s something you want, or don’t want. Abundance is a divine quality, and acknowledging it honestly and authentically, without judgment, raises your vibration. If you can’t find an abundance of what you want in your life, turn to everything you don’t want and see how abundant you are in that area.

It won’t bring you more things you don’t want, because as you raise your vibration, unwanted things let go of you; they can’t live in a high vibration of “I have”. By having no judgment you transform your subconscious mind from a state of lack into a state of abundance, so that over time, things that match your new frequency, therefore things you do want, will start appearing in your life. A frequency of lack brings you more lack; a frequency of abundance must bring you more abundance.

Life always presents you with opportunities to raise your vibration; it’s up to you to recognize everything as part of the Divine.